Who's Eating Blog Food?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Got this link in an email from Ribberd... not sure what to make of it - but thanks for the link nonetheless



valencia said...

I find that to be oddly misogynistic.

Why, oh why, would it end up in the trash?!

Wrong on so many levels

P-Lou said...

Now, now, D-Unit, you must not blame Ribhard for the seedy exits you take along the information superhighway. Though Ribhard did say that, if he had happened across this discovery, he would likely have shared it with you.

Polvo'd said...

And I with him

Ribhard said...

Is that low fat? is the product a hit with the Lactose Intolerant crowd? I think that marketing idea is a winner! can we come up with slogans and trademarks?

Ribhard said...

Ps I have seen indications and tell-tell signs of D-unit hitchhiking on several seedy and less travled 'backroads'(if you know what I mean) of the internet highway system.....

Polvo'd said...

Just because I post links to rapid knee tapping Hee Haw video clips, followed by breastasis shaped milk dispensors - doesn't mean I'm using the internet for anything other than internet banking, email, and an occassional marathon website.

Polvo'd said...

an interesting time wasting website if you're into that stuff... I'm not of course but I figured I'd share


Ribhard said...

that snake game if fun...eating mice..and the drum kit...and break dancing...

Ribhard said...

I dont think we should use big words like mis-o-gynistic without putting the definition next to it

Polvo'd said...

Agree with that 100% ribby

Ribhard said...

yea valencia throws those words out there like we should know what they mean.........she needs to consider her audience. (well at least me and Dunit)