Who's Eating Blog Food?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog Bling

After reading "another" blog I decided to add the "monetizing" widget to the right (for a test run) ... Wonder what they'll recommend? Regardless - please support our advertisers ... Blogfood.edu will ( apparently ) receive a small stipend for each click.

Thank you


Polvo'd said...

Haha ...The daily show ... "Vicks" medication ...

Polvo'd said...

Guess they change every screen refresh

Ribhard said...

I see big money coming down the pike...I assume we split 6 ways?

Ribhard said...

this was the one on my click:

Kiva partners with existing expert microfinance institutions. In doing so, we gain access to outstanding entrepreneurs from impoverished communities world-wide. Our partners are experts in choosing qualified entrepreneurs. That said, they are usually short on funds. Through Kiva, our partners upload their entrepreneur profiles directly to the site so you can lend to them. When you do, not only do you get a unique experience connecting to a specific entrepreneur on the other side of the planet, but our microfinance partners can do more of what they do, more efficiently.

Ribhard said...

PS: I was trying to put this picture on another entry...but it looked so damn good here...I left it. I know this is an uncharted area: editing another person's entry..but I figure what the hell, it was only D-Unit's...and god knows he could use some editing help.