Who's Eating Blog Food?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

If this doesn't belong on "Blog Food" I don't know what does...


P-Lou said...

Yea, Ribhard keeps some of that in the fridge - no, actually it's an old margarine container of bacon fat "for cooking with" - not sure what he cooks with that (being a yankee and all)...

Polvo'd said...

ahh... reminds me ... ate breakfest at a friends house a few weeks back - they poured all of the bacon grease into the potatoes they were cooking - I had some wierd chest pain when I saw them do that.... then after eating the potatoes I felt like I had a bowling ball in my stomach... and then of course I had a heart attack but they were able to revive me.

Another favorite of mine is crisco sandwiches... just wipe some of that stuff between two slices of bread, and then coat it in bacon grease and bake at 350 for a few minutes - top that off with some cheese and sour cream and you're in business!

Ribhard said...

Bacon grease is probably god's gift to the world. Its cheap, good, and there is plenty of it.

"Ok Noah, I kinda screwed with you on that 40 days and 40 nights bullshit...but I am going to make it up to you: here is bacon grease."

Ribhard said...

PS is it just me or is that a really sexy bottle?