Who's Eating Blog Food?

Thursday, February 23, 2012


This is what a snow day looks like in Colorado Springs for a 23rd of  February, 2012 AD 

PS: Creative blogging is what I do when I have a snow day off and should be cleaning, washing, or doing homework. 

Notice the special "chilling" effect the artist conveys as the (obviously very talented) photographer chose a special *lens and shot the scene from inside a cold 1994 Subaru through a slightly dirty cold wet windshield with an ever so small sliver  of the vehicle's hood peeping from the bottom of the picture. 

for extra credit: What does this picture say about Colorado Springs? America? Old people with cell phones? The education system past and present? The republican debates? Unemployment?
National Debt? Bilingual persons? Marijuana laws ?  

* Metro PC Samsung prepaid phone (no contract) 


Abbzug said...

Ah, assuming your questions were not rhetorical, the photo says so much about so much, or so much about so little. Did you type that out on your Samsung prepaid cell phone sans contract? We just got ourselves a couple of those babies, too, smarty-pants ones for only $30/mo. Ya, doggies.

Ribhard said...

plou and i are the proud owners of metropcs samsung pay as you go phones. these are Florida pimp phones and are less than state of the art. however it seems to be adequate for my photo skills and i can text, talk, and sometimes even read email on the instrument. does your phone have texitng for free? im jest askin?

Abbzug said...

yep, free text. VOICE recognition text, I might add. ""Pokoyo" comes out as "Poker Leo", though. Free DATA too (internets). 100 minutes of chatty chat time.

Ribhard said...

can you play scrabble on yours?