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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Clashes With Summer


Fall wind clashes with summer breeze
Pink flamingos, lime chairs with golden trees
Red leaves crowd the flower bed
Pink summer rose is not yet dead
Shadows stretch long even at high noon
That frickin’ snow will be here soon…


Ribhard said...

"The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound and a wave broke over the railing. And ev'ry man knew, as the captain did too 'twas the witch of November come stealin'........." GL

Mags said...

Cute poem Pat! Wish I could write something cute and fall appropriate, but hard to switch gears during "rocket science" time :)

How about...The rocket flames burn orange and red, like the dying leaves in your flower bed!

I did it!

valencia said...

Excellent job Mommy :)

boan said...

Creative writing P-Lou!
You've almost made me homesick with the beautiful pictures, but you'll be beating the soggy snow off of the lovely trees, soon enough to keep them up-right.
I should write a poem about the giant roaches that are roosting in my house.
Great poem Mags!

Abbzug said...

Love it!

Ribhard said...

i demand the cock roach poem!!