Who's Eating Blog Food?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

When it rains....

3 weeks ago:
My hot water heater broke.

2 weeks ago:
The main circuit breaker in my house broke.

1 week ago:
My A/C unit (compressor) broke

This weekend:
During a woodworking project with my son, the saw kicked a piece of wood back and broke my thumb bone in the process (the thumb bone that's connected to the hand bone)

Til next weekend ............


valencia said...

Karma: you get an awesome pool . . . some less than awesome shit has to happen to balance out the universe.

Example: I don't have a pool and my A/C, water heater and thumb are dandy.

I rest my case.

boan said...

You know, Valencia does have a point.

Polvo'd said...

that is a valid point... never looked at it that way... then again I never listened to Beatles records backwards either.

Ribhard said...

once again proving that eveything that goes around comes around....Karma is gonna get you sooner or later. See you were lost and wandering in the wilderness for years...then you met me and your life changed....new job, new house, wonderful family, beautiful wife...then you quit replying to my texts.....a/c, thumb, water heater....see how this all fits together?