Who's Eating Blog Food?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jay (and by "Jay" I mean "we") received a lovely parcel by priority post this week, the contents of which, and in which, I have been enjoying a myriad of hot beverages, including and almost limited to green tea and decaf coffee. If one must drink decaf, I highly recommend you acquire the whole foods brand, no matter how spendy, because it is the only one I have found that doesn't taste like dirty styrofoam, and then you should drink it out of a "Jay" cup. During the limited time I have had to bond, ever so strongly, to this cup, I can't help but think how tragic and telling it is that it is impossible to find an "Ashlee" cup with the correct spelling of "Ashlee", and that really the closest thing to the correct spelling of "Ashlee" must be J-A-Y. This really can be the only explanation...



P-Lou said...

Nice cup!! And "Las Vegas"?! I knew that looked imported!

Ribhard said...

two thoughts: that is a nice looking cup..but it ain't no "science" cup...and you can always change your name to Ashley...I see lots of cups with that name on them...just random thoughts from the morning breakfast table.