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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bed time songs for little tots.................

So I am lookin on Amazon and listening to funky stuff....Beatles, Marley, and U2,songs recorded by kids and sleepy bedtime stuff...and find a wonderful version of "Why don't we get drunk and screw"............Is america great or what?



Ribhard said...

and for the love of Jesus H Christ.........Does it get any freakin better than this???????

Lullaby Renditions of The Eagles
by Rockabye Baby

Featuring: "Hotel California"

valencia said...

Yeah, this generation of children will be falling asleep to songs about heroine addiction, abusing alcohol and making bad sexual decisions.

One of my friends entertains her 3 year old son by allowing him to color-in her "unfinished" tattoos. Imagine what wonderful memories he will have of his mother.

Ribhard said...

its a brave new world out there....it is scary how much information the kids are bombarded with.....you got to ask the question what is the long term effecct of seeing polvo sitting on a toilet and baybo wearning underware on his head instantly on line.......