Who's Eating Blog Food?

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I, along with roughly 9,000 fellow bike lovers, donned a costume and pedaled my steed in this year's Tour de Fat in our little hamlet. Among with boan's old horseridin' chaps, some fancy ass city boots, and other accoutrements (including some pink locks and a big ol' belt that reads "Flo") I painted a tattoo on my left arm that read....well...you can see....and then i got sunburned. Now i'm just screwed.


P-Lou said...

You are SO gonna have to change your hair style now!

Ribhard said...

Lets see the whole get up pictures........and has anyone seen Jay?

valencia said...

Wow . . . I'm left with so many questions.

Most importantly, were they assless chaps???

I'm gonna need pics.

Polvo'd said...

While I'm not sure what the questions are, nor what the answers would be... I agree with valencia... there are many

Ribhard said...

you sure the assless chaps weren't barry's?

Polvo'd said...

isn't that what that duck says in those insurance commercials?

"asschaps" "asschaps"