Who's Eating Blog Food?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Super Supper

Saturday, January 26, 2008

give me the sock, damnit.

Marathon Training

Boan captured me amd my running partner ..........training for a winter marathon in Estes Park back on '03

Limited Edition

Box o wine cozy. Place your orders today! paypal accepted.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Barry.................gulfport man..............

renaissance man........ alert......aware...and ...articulate.....and always working on a art project

Friday, January 18, 2008

time is a dangerous thing to waste.

a coworker of mine, a PhD student in social psychology from the middle of russia, came to me one day with a blurry picture of another coworker of ours (and fellow social psychology classmate of his but from romania) and asked me if i could 'do something about the blurriness around her mouth'. He didn't like how the blur made it look like she had two mouths and that she was frowning with these two mouths. He was hoping to blow the image up, and print it poster size, and give it to her for her birthday. So this is what i did to the photo instead. I am dangerous when armed with adobe creative suite and spare time on my hands. Can you tell she is frowning with two mouths?

Vicwin's Theory of evolution...

My Stella in Yellow and Gold.

The best cut and paste ever by wickMiller